action 35 | GooF on TouR ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ

GooF on TouR ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ

GooFs official mobile blog

I really have the mood to write some blog entries butI have no idea about what
At the moemnt I´m in Burg where I do my apprenticeship as a profesionel hotel specialist
Actually I have 2 free days today and tomorrow. I wanted to go home but because the streets have a slipperiness my parents can´t come to pick me up T.T
its so boring here
allthrough I have internet now
the internet is to slooooooow here
for exemple I need 2 or 3 mintutes to peta one person
so its no fun

tomorrw I wanted to go to the nail studio with Senja and we wanted to dye hair
Senja want to come tomorrow to pick me up
but I´m scared
I don´t want her to get into an excident or something like that

some minutes ago I wanted to play pokémon on Nintendo DS but I didn´t brought my DS because I thought in don´t neet it in 2 days but now I have to stay till tuesday here

I really HATE Burg !!!!
I want to live in a big city
I don´t want to work
I want to be rich
I want to do thing when I want it to do

sorry for that moaning