From Y to Y  英語ver.【まど@実写リロ】 歌詞 | HAKU A WHIM BLOG



You turned your back to me and just started walking.
We didn't even exchange a single word.
I felt my heart sway and I couldn't help but say...
"Don't go, oh, please don't go," like a child.
I turned my back to you and just started walking.
I have to go before I shed a tear.
I lied and I told you happiness is just illusion.
And then I let go of our dreams and our future. (future)
And what I can't get back - My wish (my wish)
This one bedroom apartment feels just a llittle bit bigger.
Like pulling the space in my heart apart wider.
Each second, every moment keeps getting longer and longer.
If only I could spend them with you...
Am I a fool to even dream?
Could this world be that terrible to me?
Just one hint of a lie will make you start to cry.
Your teardorops fall like rain from your sky to my ground.
I've made so many mistakes.
I can't even begin to count them all.
One is that I touched your hand.
And another that I tried to gently live and breathe alongside you.
Every time I gain a fragment of the present, I lose a fragment of the past
I'm lost within the memories and hands of time.
I just happened to linger there - my existence to you, my dear will soon disappear from everything... remember.
Oh, what I... would give... to return again.
Is this... some sort of begining
Oh is this... the end??
The day is yet appear on this wide bed I sleep on alone.
I'll dream of you again, retracing steps and trying to relive the memories of you.
I've made so many mistakes.
I can't even begin to count them all.
One is that I touched your hand.
And another that I tried to gently live and breathe alongside you.
I'll try atoning with the sting of my lonelyness.
So please let me rest quietly... in your memories.
I'll see you when we'll say, "Hello," like we never left.
I'll hold your hand and you'll hold mine. But until then... goodbye..

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