☆Fragmentcollector~♪ -3ページ目


゚・:,。★耽美物語 - the Tales of Aesthetics★。,:・゚

For Christmas I went to my parents place like every year.
It also was quite as usual. But I enjoyed my time at home.

I also was able to watch "The Last Unicorn" this year. o(^▽^)o
Usually I watch it at least once a year.

And then I gave my cat a sausage as christmas present.ドキドキ
Seemed to be delicious.
Time for a nap.
Sleeping in my 'bed'.
Koji as a gift. (/ω\)
Actually she hates thinks like that, but my mom thought it would be cute ( ´艸`)
I just couldn't stop taking photos of her ラブラブ
Too cute~
I'm sure she will miss me as much as I do.
Merry Christmas everyone!

I also got a Christmas peta from TERU (●´ω`●)ゞ

maybe I'll post some photos tomorrow (today XD)

good night

It's already December.
But here the cherry trees are blooming again.(^_^;)


Ans some days ago we had some very delicious unagi≧(´▽`)≦

Today I went to the Aquazoo in Düsseldorf with some friends. It was really interesting.

Actually this is the only photo of a fish f^_^;

But they also had crocodiles and sharks and penguins and...

...ugly tortoises XD

lizards:*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
I really love lizards~
That small one was sooo cute (●´ω`●)ゞ
I want to have one ( ´艸`)

...and bigger ones...
and realy huge ones XD

and a very huge shell(ノ´▽`)ノ

and a lot of other animals.

I also could hav a tarantula on my hands for a moment. A very nice feeling (^~^)
Later we went to christmas market and to karaoke (・ω・)/
Now I'm very tired Zzz…(*´?`*)。o○