. -7ページ目

好きなドラマ: Sherlock (BBC)

◆Well, no more misfits until february 叫び and not happy just wth this, MISFITS SEASON 4 WILL BE THE LAST (/TДT)/ WHY? Ok, I could overcome that Nathan is out (but i still loving you my dear nathan <3 sexiest guy on earth) but why???????? i really like Misfits...
Anyway..Season 3 was GREAT even without Nathan.
Ill be waiting season 4 in February

◆Ok.. i still having the season 8 of Desesperate Housewives <3 im watching this drama series since 2004 and i still loving it!!!! o(^▽^)o and season 8 is getting great but...WHY?! WHY THIS SEASON GONNA BE THE LAST ONE!?o(;△;)o WHY ARE THE DRAMAS I LIKE ARE ENDING WRITE NOW?!

◆BUT ITS OK BECAUSE NOW I HAVE SHERLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!

I love detective stuff and i always been a big fan of sherlock holmes (books, series, movies...). And I have always found Sherlock like a incredibly sexy man, I always wondered who would be if Sherlock Holmes and Watson live their adventures nowdays...AND I FOUND THE ANSWER IN SHERLOCK! the new series produced for the British channel BBC.

The first season consists of three chapters of 90 minutes and Season Two continues airing ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

If you like crime drama series, investigate, thinking, black comedy, all together or if you simply are a fan of sherlock holmes, Sherlock is for you <3

ps: I am very proud of myself because I guessed who was the criminal of the first chapter of season 1 (A study in pink) ( ´艸`)

ps: かわいいw

ps: oh gawd, he is hot. (I mean, Sherlock, of course! but Watson is so lovely, isnt he=?)

Cancion de Vuelta

でもやっぱ、堕天使 Projectのみんな会いたい、テツくんも会いたい、家族もあいたいな。

te quiero mucho.


今 Cancion de Vueltaを聞いてます、Vetusta Morlaと言うなバンドの曲です。
意味は 帰るの曲 だね。

ま、今日のスパイラルのライブ行けるいいのに。 Love a SenseもGlass Topも見たかったな。。

fasfadfasgaga (;A;!!!)

ya es hora de replegar las alas rumbo a casa (8)



wiz morgan freeman 笑。 また夏、日本 (;^;)/ みんなありがとうね、was best xmas ever.
ps: im so sad.今回は一番苦しいよ、、、

ps2: i have to wait a lot of hours in paris ohmygod im going to become (more) mad (e_e) like the guy of the shining lol redrum redrum redrum.

ps3: im going to miss u so much. looking forward the next time ill can see u.