*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆* -6ページ目

Haha. I'm 37 years old. O_o

At least according to this little quiz I took. xD

Wow. I'm 20 years older than I thought I was. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

I guess this means that I'm emotionally mature for my age? にひひ

I still don't think this will convince my parents to let me do whatever I want though...

And a late congratulations to Spain for beating Germany! クラッカー

I already knew that they would win though. Paul said so.

Who's Paul you're wondering?

He's a psychic octopus. (*_*)

If you really have no idea what I'm talking about, just read this:


It's a strange world full of crazy things out there. xD

A day at the beach picture spam

We finally got to go to the beach yesterday.

It's strange because every year we spend the 4th of July there, but not this year. We only went for one day and we'll be spending Independence Day at home.

Happy Independence Day to everyone in America! クラッカー

I have to say the city has improved alot since we were last there about a year ago.

I think the city's mayor is using alot of money for this.

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

It's not Hawaii, but the ocean still looks beautiful no matter where you are. ラブラブ

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

There are planes flying right over the shore every once in a while advertising for places all over the city. It's interesting to see them. xD

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

This is actually right in front of the shore. You might be able to tell that the sand is really high there. I actually had to watch where I was going. It was such a steep drop. I wonder if it was done on purpose?

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

We walked all the way to the pier. It was good exercise. にひひ

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

The park. It had a stage for bands/musicians who perform there at different times. 音譜

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

Those two colorful cranes in the background are for bungee jumping. 200 feet. You couldn't pay me to do that. (@_@)

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

Parachuting. I just might try it sometime. Although watching Jaws reminds me why I don't want to. Lol.

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

And one more thing...

Happy Birthday Shou!!!!! 音譜ラブラブクラッカー

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

TTYL ハート


Alright this is just a random update. :P

First of all, thank you to the people who followed me on twitter. ニコニコ

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

These are just shots I took of the trees in my backyard. ラブラブ

Remember that butterfly belt? にひひ

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

That's my mom in the first shot. Lol.

I hope PETA doesn't see this. xD

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

One thing I can finally agree with is that I suck at video games. I tried playing my brother's new game Bioshock 2. (* ̄Oノ ̄*)

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

And there's a bird's nest in the bush infront of my bedroom window.

That bird likes to sing every day like there's no freaking tomorrow! 汗

And throws itself into my window every once in a while! プンプン

Seriously it sounds like rocks are raining outside whenever he/she does it. :/

Well that's all I have to say for now. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

TTYL いちご