勝者と敗者の違い | 辛口甘口無口





  • 【勝者と敗者の違い】2007-09 
The Big Difference between Winner and Loser.  
スタンフォード大 Yaniv Konchitchki(ヤノフ・コンチトチキー)poem  


1 A Winner makes mistakes and says: I was wrong. But a Loser says: it wasn't my fault. 
勝者は間違ったときには「私が間違っていた」と言う。 敗者は「私のせいではない」と言う。  

2 A Winner credits his good luck for winning even though it wasn't luck. But a Loser credits his bad luck for losing, but it wasn't about luck. 
勝者は、勝因は「運が良かった」と言う。例え運ではなかったとしても。 敗者は、敗因を「運が悪かった」と言う。でも、運が原因ではない。  

3 A Winner works harder than a Loser and has more time. But a Loser is always too busy too busy saying a failure. 
勝者は敗者よりも勤勉に働く。しかも時間は敗者より多い。 敗者はいつでも忙しい。文句を言うのに忙しい。  

4 A Winner goes through a problem and a Loser goes around. 
勝者は問題を真っ直ぐ通り抜ける。 敗者は問題の周りをグルグル回る。  

5 A Winner shows his sorry by making up for it. But a Loser says his sorry but he does the same thing next time. 
勝者は償いによって謝意を示す。 敗者は謝罪をするが同じ間違いを繰り返す。  

6 A Winner knows what to fight for and what to compromise on. But a Loser compromise on what he should not and fights for what isn't worth fighting for. 
勝者は戦うべきところと妥協すべきところを心得ている。 敗者は妥協すべきでないところで妥協し、戦う価値がないところで戦う。  

7 A Winner says I am good, but not as good as I ought to be. But a Loser looks down at those who have not yet achieved the position he has. 
勝者は「自分はまだまだです」と言う。 敗者は自分より劣るものを見下す。  

8 A Winner respects those who are superior to him and to him and tries to learn from them.But a Loser resents those who are superior to him and tries to find fault. 
勝者は自分より勝るものに敬意を払い学び取ろうとする。 敗者は自分より勝るものを不快に思い、アラ捜しをする。  

9 A Winner is responsible for more than his job. But a Loser says, I only work here. 
勝者は職務に誇りを持っている。 敗者は「雇われているだけです」と言う。 

10 A Winner says, "There ought to be a better way of doing it". But a Loser says why change it,that's the way it has always been done. 
勝者は「もっと良い方法があるはずだ」と言う。 敗者は「なぜ変える必要があるんだ?今までうまくいっていたじゃないか」と言う。  



The Big Difference between Winner and Loser.  
スタンフォード大 Yaniv Konchitchki(ヤノフ・コンチトチキー)poem  


Winners can afford to make mistakes. Losers, cannot.  
Winners credit their good luck for winning. Losers simply does not have luck to credit.  
Winners win the privilege to work harder. Losers' privilege is to bitch about it.  
Winners win the problem. Losers are given the problem.  
Winners look up when they ought to look down. Losers look down when they ought to look up.  
Winners push themselves up. Losers pull one another.  
Winners underpromise and overdeliver. Losers overpromise and underdeliver.  
Winners will be losers sooner or later. Vice versa is not true.