Dreams Set A Blaze -3ページ目

I have not been sleeping so well because I work so much.

ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3


Today I miss my love so much. I wish I could see him very often. But I can't.Someday I will see him everyday.

I hope that in 2 years I can be done with school and start my life with him. that would be the most amazing thing ever!


Today at work I lifted over 300. boxes many if them very heavy. I don't think two women should have been doing this and after my back hurt.

I have so much more work to do tomorrow I hope I can finish everything.






I really hope that my life will be so beautiful. I think about this less every year.

But now I feel like my future matters and that I have to start planning. Where before I just loved now I have more or less a reason to plan more about my life.

So please wish me the very best thank you.

Today I he been thinking about my future alot. And I can no longer see myself in Japan. so much it pains me. but it's not possible now perhaps later jn my life.

I have so many things I am planning to do in the next three years. I have found a wonderful man that makes me smile an a life perhaps in Germany.

what can I do about this. still my heart longs to see tokyo a it's people. one day this will happen one day.

until then さようなら.


I am trying out my new ameba app fir my iPod.

I have no idea what to do. I have been trying to active the law.
For me its not easy.
But somehow I have to have the feeling of being in love.
I have to find it deep in my soul.
Once I can do this I can finally have what I truly desire...

Yesterday I went out with a wonderful young man.

I had the best time ever.

I hope I get to see him again soon.

I am sorry that I have not done the updating to my site.

I have been so busy.

I am now taking Japanese.

I really like it so far.

but for me kana is hard.

I have no idea how to remember it.

I hope someday I can remember it.

Wish me good luck!!!

I have been looking at make up.
I finally got the make up that I wanted it looks so nice I love it.
I took lots of pictures but I have to post them later.