Shuki Hito のブログ -131ページ目

action 40109

*sub-title got influnce by yumehitoヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ*

today work was crazyness,three BG has outlined. yeahZZZZ
stil got two MORE!
finally brought folders at daiso!
minna, rmb to buy cheaps thing at there ( ´艸`)

†ExistingPlace† のブログ
today's dinner with ciel sensei and nii-san!
doesn't it look delicious??


minna.. did u had a great sleep?
hope my teamates could online now, need help.

pohpiang pls update. i feel lik eating it.. hm (-。-;)

still low spirit keeping thinking *exist it!*


atashi wa ジェミニ

honto ni yurushii na...

i'll would rather be buried under the earth,
when earth doesn't exist you.

myジェミニ, kimi wa 緩和しなさい atashi wa kokoro...
†ExistingPlace† のブログ
for myジェミニ.