On the Russia's Aggression against Ukraine | There can be only one...

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Marvelous and Swell..., Goddamn it!

Title: On Russia's aggression against Ukraine.





To all Ukrainians, I'm standing with you.

To all Good ones, stand with Ukraine.


Shame on you, Vladimir Putin.

But, Remember, Not all Russians are evil.


The evil ones are the Владими р Путин,

 who ordered the invasion, and

 his puppet, the Russian government and the Russian military.

Many Russian citizens are victims of Vladimir Putin's crimes, also.


As for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations is dysfunctional.

Since Russia is a member of the "UN Security Council",

 the UN deployment of "UN Forces" and

 "UN Peacekeeping Force" to Russia will never happen.



Recall the Re-activating Conscription by the Swedish government!

★cf. https://www.government.se/articles/2017/03/re-activation-of-enrolment-and-the-conscription/


So, you should ask the reason, "Why is this happening?"

★cf. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39140100


Ms Nyh Radebo said...

"The Russian illegal annexation of Crimea [in 2014],

the conflict in Ukraine and the increased military activity

in our neighbourhood are some of the reasons"(ibid.).


To all Japanese people, I say this.


Today's Russian military aggression is not ,

so called as ”a fire on the other side of the river”.


Japan is under Russia's executive control in the Northern Territories,

and Putin is planning to perpetuate that control.


Sooner or later,

The Putin will launch a military invasion of Japan as well.


Therefore, we, the good people,

must request the dispatch of the "International Security Assistance Force"

by the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"

for the purpose of stopping the Russian forces.


Let's stand with and by the Ukrainians.


Shame on you, Владими рПутин.