ブログを止めます・End of the Blog | ハーフの娘への手紙・My Dear Daughter...

ブログを止めます・End of the Blog

(Please see the bottom of the page for the English language version of this message)














Dear Everyone,

Thank you as always for your continued support.  I am writing this entry to inform you all that I am suspending all work on this blog and its associated YouTube page for a minimum of one year.

This week I traveled to Japan and was able to spend meaningful time with my daughter for the first time since January 2009.  During the time we spent together I was able to l her that I love her and that I think about her every day.  Not being able to say those things directly was the primary reason I continued this blog for all these years.  Now that I have said them at a time she will remember me having said them, I can think of no legitimate reason to continue these public communications.  Provided the direct access to my daughter continues to a reasonable degree, it is my intent to make this blog entry my last.

I would like to personally and publicly thank those (including my ex-wife) who made the meeting this week with my daughter possible.  I will be sending them letters shortly with regards to how I would like continue to build on the trust shown during my visit to Japan this week.

Over the next few weeks I will be making all the entries here (and the videos on YouTube) non-public.  I also intend to remove the information currently displayed on my blog and YouTube profile pages, and to remove this site from the two blog ranking sites on which it currently participates.  I may still post the occasional twitter note (on matters completely unrelated to my daughter) or upload videos of my live music performances in Los Angeles (if I should ever find the time to perform one again), but my days of using the Internet as a means to communicate with and about my daughter are over.

It is time for me to shut down the computer and open the door.  I thank you all for your continued support over these long five years, and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.  Take care.
