
“Teamwork makes the dream work”

Post surgery recovery journal 10 days after HIP ARTHROSCOPY
Hip brace & crutch

My challenge was … kids were out of school for winter break!! Try to let them be busy but how !? I found a beat things for kids and mama to do!

@metmuseum offers kids art class for winter break. We participated mosaic class and it was so amazing and it’s free ✨
Also there is on going exhibit “Women Dress Women”that I’m highly recommended to visit who loves modern fashion like me!

I didn’t have confidence to walk around the huge museum with crutches but found out that you can borrow wheelchairs ♿️ No reservations needed, just first come first serve! My son was so brave to drive me around 🙌 It was a challenging experience for us but made mama so proud 🩷💪🫶

#newyorkcity #newyorkfamily #newyorkkids #recoveryjournal #labraltear #labralrepair
#健康に感謝 #手術後 #当たり前は当たり前じゃない #車椅子 #metmuseum #バイリンガル育児 #ニューヨーク子育て #メトロポリタン美術館 #ニューヨーク #股関節唇損傷