I'm at Ryu's place right now and I woke up just a moment ago.... it was like 7am when we went to sleep.

Ryu and Ayu are still sleeping so I have time to post some pictures.


this is "old" photo from Annyeong!Party 13.12 it was sooo fun!


going back to Heikki's place (don't remember the day) after buying some food for me Ryu and Ayu

kipsuのブログ kipsuのブログ

then we hid in a closet (we were there like 2 hours....)
we hid our clothes and shoes and bags so when Heikki and Leijo came home they didin't know that we were still in the house. It was fun and I'm suprised that it was Leijo who actually found us XD

Later we did this trick again to Viivi and Tuomas, but they didin't found us so we went to the kitchen eat some candy

New year party@Heikki's

I really don't know what is happening in these photos ....... Leijo is, well, Leijo is Leijo and I look like 12 year old.



Ryu and I and ..Yuri... I love Yuri's eyes XD


ah, now Ryu and Ayu woke up too and I have promblems concentrate on writing because I hear a very good music right now (thanks Ryu *3*)

and I need food..and water so -->