Well, well... i went to Helsinki to see Exist Trace's live and I had to take care of some other business things too, so i had a very busy and exhausting day (proves that I really should exercise more). (T▽T;)

I had fun tho.. and the gig was great of course!

After that Jopo, Kata and I went to eat some junk food and I'm sure that waitress put all salt she could find in my french fries, gah (@_@)


Kata is planning something bad ww


Kata's DS (・ε・)


and hello, i look bad, BUT i woke up at 8:00am, i did so many things in such a short time and i just came from live and i ate too salty fries, so you guys would look bad after that too! 。゚(T^T)゚。

Next day-

I went home, but guess what i was doing while i was waiting for my bus.....

. . . . . . .



音譜"Gotta get a life
Oh, mom, I've tried"音譜
