Argh, my internet connection doesnt work properly and in Helsinki our connection doesnt work at all! This is like end of the world to me www ;D
Btw, I noticed that skype actually works better atm than msn, dont know why.

Anywayyy, last WE I was at Kata's place with Ryu, Yuri & Taateli and we did very interesting things. Katas twitter update describes it well: "Last night I pretended I was a pigeon and dropped peanuts in an elevator with the rest of my flock." You really dont want to know why we did this XD

..yep yep..


Yoshi, Kata's cat! Very handsome and cool guy (of course).

and this is Iro, very good piano player as you can see if you check this ww

I found a crown~

Weather is too hot so today I bought a swimming pool! It's for kids but I dont care www
I tried to get my dog there too but she didint like it that much. She thought that the pool was too scary.
I just have to make sure that I dont be there too much since I dont want to get tan....

Now I'll go drink some ice tea! See ya!音譜