through my lens - cen's prewed | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

and.......its a wrap ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

from hunting cloths(cen and yossy), accecories, some properties and consult what cen wanted into a theme what she really want it.

i woke up at four past thirty this morning, turns out cen woke up late, she woke up when i texted her


the make up took more than an hour, so the photo shot began at around 10 o'clook, and finished exactly at 6 o'clook.

there are not many photos that i take, since i have to arrange everytime cen move, changing wordrobe and re-arrange cen's hairdo, location and asking the photographers how they shot the models. it made me sometimes have to little bit yelled so cen can hear my voice.

as a result i really thristy (  ̄っ ̄)

the wedding photography vendor brough 2 photographers plus deddy as friend's photographer and also cen's brother took photos. total there are 4 photographers.

what i like from a new vendor are, beside they give not to expensive price, also we can speak out what the future bride and groom what they really wants for they photography. in here i can co-operate with the photographers. because what i really want for cen's photo prewed is not to do to many photoshop. they are what they are, any lack from the models-conduct it while taking pictures, we can do many things to minimalize their lackness.

here are the photos, since i took from cellphone camera the result are not that good-but i'm still learning

(`∀´) right.

the wadrobe are: Kebaya, Dress(red dress 1950 theme) and wedding gown.

place: House of Sampoerna, Jl. Gula, Taman Dolog.

Yossy, cen's future husband

place at HoS's cafe.

since this are from my point of view, i prefer to black and white.


cen and yossy


at Jl. Gula

the photographers


i upload this photo because i took it candid, and its look cute.

at that time i brought 2 bread and i was hungry, i ate and i gave some to cen, and cen gave it to yossy, when they ate i took their photo and the photographers came because they think it funny too



the violin was occupied by the vendor photographer.


cen looks so pretty,right


so in love couple


this is deddy Σ\( ̄ー ̄;)

he was nice today, he didn't say anything about buying a camera. he teach me today about a camera and lens.

thank you deddy (^人^)


cen took this, its ok it is blur; maybe she already tired.

this after we took our very late lunch, we had lunch around near to 3 o'clook.

at first deddy didn't pose like that, when cen said 'ready', he suddenly move Σ\( ̄ー ̄;)
