point of view | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

this conversation happen yesterday, between cen and rani.

rani talked about cen's prewed photos.

tell about some dislike of cen photos, like why wearing red dress with such as hairdo and hair accecories and others, why yossy wearing suspender, why like this why like that.

although cen replied sometimes she is in silent, and i'm not interfere with that chat(i'm still not in the mood to have long conversation with someone that not really close to me, if i force to talked maybe it will ended with sarcastic words).

after we took rani to her home, cen began to speak.

"it makes me down when she said like that, is it my photos not that good?"

"i'm asking you, do you like the result of your photos? does your photos just like you imagine?"


"well, every couple have their own idealism of what kind of photos and themes they want, and every photographer have their own idealism too from what side this photos will look the best. is not from who like who not, if you heart said 'this is just exactly i want' will you hear others if someone said its awful?. have your confident cen on your photos, beside that after your photos oploaded in facebook how many person in facebook or in your office said it is wonderfull, even they asked what vendor who took your prewed photo shot."

we can't judge art from woderfull to awfull, because it is idealism of someone. although it have connection with like and dislike. although many people said its awfull but its still live.