i know your smile | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

met uni and cen after i work о(ж>▽<)y ☆

actually i draged along uni when my work almost finished

because i have to picked up uni first before we attack cen's office (`∀´)


accompanied cen to some place and eat ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ

as ussual i haven't eat from morning when we arrived i eat Nasi Kresengan and Rujak Manis,....geez i'm so full until now :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:

that's uni, the girl who will be marry this saturday



why they all posed like that, because they just polished their nails (-з-)

they said "our nails must be seen" (-。-;)

uni and cen shoped some beauty stuff, and they make me as their victim for how to applicate some things (*´Д`)=з its kinda something to clean it.

cen said to uni after we ate, "enjoy your walk, this is your last week as a virgin"

hehehe, agree to cen (^-^)b

this is because we will meet again on saturday, on uni's wedding. since i don't have time to meet them until that day.

my pigg ame points last night, rock rock rock (´∀`)


that's me, my eyes looks so tired right

uni took this photo
