1st photo gallery | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

Camera : Canon Eos 500 D

Filter : Marumi HZ UV 58mm

Lens : EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5,6 IS

Place : my room, Taman Bungkul(Bungkul Park), PTPN X (BUMN office), Dapur Coklat, Pond around PTC/SPI, Body Shop-Tunjungan Plaza, Abdul Wahab Siamin Rd., Atum Shopping Center(parking lot-where i took the photos), Mon Cherry Ice Cream-Tunjungan Plaza.

The order of the photos from the first taken 'till the last one.

Quite true photos, since there is no Photoshop touch in the photo, i only add frame.

Sorry for the inconvinient, the photos i uploaded in small thumb because if i upload it in big thumb size the photos will be cut it.

I'm learning everytime i took and see my photos, so don't hesitate if you want to give advice to me.



antiquary antiquary

antiquary antiquary

antiquary antiquary

antiquary antiquary


antiquary antiquary


antiquary antiquary

antiquary antiquary

antiquary antiquary


e.g: it takes time to upload it, because i was kinda lazy to install the sofware to my pc (`∀´)

the complete photos i upload it in my facebook.