Frozen - Elsa Helping Olaf in the Melon #66 | pressnexのブログ



Frozen - Elsa Helping Olaf in the Melon #66
Now the Mini Elsa series is on the forth episode. In this episode, Olaf He found a melon called "Winter Melon" which is very delicious. Olaf did jump inside and eat a lot. Then something bad happen. Olaf stuck inside a melon, and he lost both of his arm. When Elsa know about this. She come to help Olaf with her Frozen magic. The question is that the Olaf is safe or not. Please watch the story of the forth episode of Frozen mini Elsa. I really hope everyone will enjoy this video. Please subscribe my channel to see more coming soon episodes of Frozen Mini Elsa. Likes and comments will help me a lot to improve the production. If you have any suggestion please tell me.

アナと 雪の女王 : エルザは、メロンの# 66でオラフを支援します
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