We had our school's sports day on this Saturday. So we don't have to go to school next Monday (Tomorrow). Speaking of sports day, it was good day as to me but actually had a problem about new alt. He is so funny, talkative, friendly, but so sensitive person. He seemed to be so upset and sad at the day. Though I can't mention the detail here, he said he felt like the woman in that video which he sent to me before (I put it in this blog the other day). Anyway I want him not to take it too seriously, for it's not his fault. I'm glad that he seems okay and feeling better now.

By the way Jonny showed me another video. This is my favorite band Coldplay's music video. Because he knows that I'm a big fan of them, often sends me their nice videos. I love this song "Paradise". It's very tame compared to the last one! But it contains the same idea of "Escapism", which is something we often talk about.

This funny/cute video makes me feel free from everything. Needless to say, kendo剣道 面 and Englishカナダ are my "paradise". They make me feel free while doing them. So I really love both of them. I can't live without them.