V-Love☆Live No.1 | ☆Fragmentcollector~♪


゚・:,。★耽美物語 - the Tales of Aesthetics★。,:・゚

This morning I watched V-Love☆Live No.1 (Versailles & Matenrou Opera ...+ a few other songs)
I really enjoyed watching it although my laptop was super slow like 2 pic/secord >.<
But at least I could watch and listen to them. (・∀・)
Teru was so cute again (〃∇〃)
The guitar sound was a little bit too low-voiced (><;) But having more bass is also great XD

I haven't watch a Matenrou live since quite some time f^_^; But they are still awesome (^∇^)

Today I got a Yuki peta (^-^)/

By the way...
about the rumors:
Versailles do NOT plan disband! ((>д<))
Don't believe such stupid rumors!