it's time for a post! | jesse ☆彡のブログ

jesse ☆彡のブログ


hello ドキドキ sadly this time my excuse isn't as much of putting off a post, i just didn't realize i had enough to do a post and suddenly it built up!

a loooong time ago... i think this entry is starting at the end of january.

my friend ayu bought me some goodies from his job at a sanrio shop! i was so amazed because it seemed like such a sweet gesture (^O^)/

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

i was dreaming of buying that ring and he knew i loved kuromi so they were such good gifts!

i'm also taking a break of dying my hair for a while, i want to work on how healthy it is so i can bleach it without guilt in a few months.
so i put some brown dye over my reddish color just to blur the edge of my roots.

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

if you couldn't tell, i've been loving photo editing apps on the iphone lately! i'm hoping i can find some pictures that aren't so decorated.

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

lately i've been working hard making a shop to sell some of my hand crafts

チューリップピンク ヒマワリ

as well as becoming a member on LINE / LINE play and instagram
my name is teenmermaid if you would like to add me (‐^▽^‐)

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

one of my very favorite finds from the past few weeks! i've been searching and searching for a betsey johnson computer case in a print i love and i knew this was the one i needed.

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

another wonderful package from my friend juliana 横顔たこ such a marvelous friend! this is the best stuff she's gotten the whole time too. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ i fell in love.

i think that's everything for today... i have a few more photos but i'm in a hurry to work on school stuff and take a shower before my grandma comes to take me out for dinner!
