Thanks for visiting ! I'll be writing what i think and how i feel everyday especially about working holiday and ILAC which is the language school. Plz feel free to visit anytime. Enjoy it.

It's so hard for me. We said good bye in the airport. I couldn't be patient anymore and cried too much also when I was coming back to new room. I met him after 3 days when I came here. From then we were together all the time and lived together.... sometimes I feel like regret why we lived together. That makes me sad more... Eating , Hanging out , Watching something , Traveling and Spending time. All together for 6 months. Now I have nothing to do... When I was tired or felt bad , he always made me laugh. Made me smile. But now I can't laugh without u. How can I do ? I have to do alone all things... I can't even I gotta do. Just I can cry now. I have to be strong. Before I came I already decided to be stronger eventhough I'm alone and lonely but he spoiled me lol He promised me to come to my city also I'm gonna Incheon. just I'm looking forward to seeing again. That's it. And just patient. Stand. I'm so lonely , hard , sad and cry than I expected. I wanna say to everyone that don't meet foreigner or in not domestic area lol I wanna go back to Japan right now ! Or go to Korea ! kk I don't wanna feel any more ! Don't need ! Anyway really thanks for special and great and best memories. I never forget. And I hope we can make them more and more from now too. just now it's hard... just now...
