






ご予約、ご用件、商品の購入などございましたらメールにてandgel.hk@gmail.com お気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ。なるべく早く対応させて頂きます。













Sadly the coronavirus is being expanded during Chinese new year...


Hong Kong is turning to a quite city with not many people anymoreぐすん


It's very hard to buy medical masks now, schools and many shops are closed due to coronavirusゲホゲホ


I belive there are many customers will go back to their own country because of school is closed for a month.


Salon will be open as usual but there will be some of the time will be closed.


For any queries in regards to appointments, purchasing products or any matters please do not hesitate to contact us through email at andgel.hk@gmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

(We are still available to do both hand and foot appointments at the same time this week!)


I was traveling during this Chinese new year holiday. On the way to the plane in the bus I took a seat while holding my daughter. However one of Hong Kong family came with grand mother so I offer her my seat. And the family were supporting us while we are standing the whole time. Feeling touched with their kindess and make me feel we have to support each other in Hong Kong now.


We hope it will be calm sooner and please stay safe.