
Such a nasty and busy day at work...しょぼん

I Feel so sad....

I hate coming back from my day off and then suddenly I have to start working a lot...

I hope it's just too more weeks, and then....Freedom.... I hope.....

I just found out about パラパラ tournament.... It is in two weeks from now... えっ

I don't think I will have enough time to get ready....

I asked レオマル-くん to dance with me, since LAPTOS decided to dance with Wapuro...

However, I have no idea how to mix music....Nor I have the tools to to so...

Reomaru's big brother will probably take care of the music, or maybe Luciano from Unlimited team...

However I don't wanna put too much pressure on them...しょぼん

Also, I didn't tell レオマル-くん, but I will probably not have time for practice...

So maybe we should give up....

I will talk to him tomorrow....

Some fun stuff...

Near to my house, there is this big Pet Shop...I usually go there to watch the littel puppies through the glass....

However the other day I found a surprise...

?Chocolette~hime ? のブログ-Mono

I found This HUGE gorilla.....At first I though it was real えっ

It is about my height.....somewhat scary....

I wanted to take a picture with him, but my poor boyfriend was so embarrased....

I will go to sleep now...

However I can't wait for my weekend!~~

カラオケ night on Saturday with cute korean friends..... 得意げ

Matsuri at japanese garden on Sunday.... I will wear ヤマンバ ヤマンバ メイク.

And will dance パラパラ along with Unlimited team!~~ ♥