Castellano - English - 日本語

Hoy fue el dia del 2x4

Habia asi promociones en varios cafes de la ciudad que por cuatro personas que tomaban cafe, 2 pagaban nada mas.ラブ

Me junte con unas amigas, pero al final no fuimos a ningun cafe, sino que fuimos a caminar un poco despues de comer en casa y a charlar de la vida... jajajaj! Mucho mejor que un simple cafe...

Aparte pensamos que todos lados iba a estar re lleno...

aisu* デブ

Tengo que hacer el cosplay de Vocaloid; pero como nunca hice una prenda desde cero sin moldes, y aun con moldes me salen horribles, no sabia que hacer. Menos mal que Caro, se ofrecio....!!! Agradezco que me quiera ayudar, ella que es asi como una especie de Diosa del Cosplay, y aparte que es tan divina, y aunque no tiene mucho tiempo... Mil gracias!~~ Me emociono...たれ目

Ultimamente estoy practicando mucho Techno y Trance. Antes no les daba mucha bola porque pensaba que el Tech era muy dificil y el trance, no me llamaba mucho la atencion el sentido de las coreos tan sosas que tienen algunos temas.

Pero como ya agote mi repertorio de Eurobeat, tengo que recurrir a otras cosas!!ぶた

Tengo una tela con estampado de flores que tengo guardada hace mucho tiempo. Vere si desde mañana empiezo a ver si la corto y me hago un vestido. Para eso tengo un molde, aunque tengo que modificarlo. Como engorde bastante, los vestidos que tenia antes, no me entran ya...

Bueno, sigo bajando peliculas. Hoy vi una coreana de terror que se llama "The cut". HORRIBLE!!! Aparte que no se entiende un joraca, es re larga....

Bueno, me voy a dormirrrrr!!!ぐぅぐぅ



Today was the day of the 2x4.

There were so many promotions in cafes of the city.Four people have coffee, only 2 pay, 2 for free.

I met some friends, but finally we did not go to any cafe, but we went for a walk after lunch at home and talked about life ... Hahaha!! Much better than a cafe ...

Also, we thought that every place was going to be full of people, cause of the promo..

I have to make my Vocaloid cosplay, but since I never made a garment from scratch without molds -and even using them I cannot create anything decent- I did not know what to do. Luckily, Caro, offered her help....!!! I am so grateful!! Caro is a sort of Goddess of Cosplay, and besidesshe is so cute, and although she has so little time, she stills wants to do it! ... Thank you very much!! ~ ~ I am very happy!!...ラブラブ!

Lately, I'm practicing a lot Techpara and Trapara.. Before I didn't pay much attention to Techno and Trance, mostly because I thought Techno was very difficult and about trance, I didn't like the moves, and some choreographies. .アップ

But as I have exhausted my repertoire of Eurobeat, I have to look for new things!

I have a floral print fabric that I saved a long time. I'll see if I start tomorrow and see if I get a short dress, since I do have a nice mold for it, although I have to make some changes to it. As I became a little fatter, the clothes I had before, they don't fit me anymore...

Well, I'm downloading movies. Today I saw a Korean horror movie called "The Cut". IT SUCKS!
First of all, the plot is very hard to understand, and second, it is so DAMN LONG!!むっ

Now, I just wanna go to sleep... ぐぅぐぅ






















