ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ


Yesterday I had my end-of-the-year korean test....I was very nervous cause I didn't have too much time to study...

However, I did really well...! I got a 98%.....!ニコニコ

I made two STUPID mistakes, where I wrote the wrong character. I was so pissed off cause I reviewed the test like 5 TIMES before handing it out to the teacher....Anyways...! That was awesone!

Too bad that my friend Wity did not pass...but she was REALLY CLOSE!

If I was the teacher, I would have given her a few extra points....!シラー

After that we went to the mall to have lunch and chat. We met with our friend JiHye and we chatted a little bit..... She had a few issues with someone who now I HATE むっ.... but she made the effort to look happy laugh with us...

After lunch, I had to go to practice. We have a special performance next sunday, and we are preparing something cute and awesome, like we always do...! In addition we have at least three more choreographies to learn!!!叫び

After practice we went to Chinatown, where I met Ryu...! He is so cuuuute japanese cuteee hahahahah We had something to drink and then we bought some stuff for presents...べーっだ!

!Then it started to rain, and it got cold, so I came back home, where I can be found today

Ahhh.. tomorrow.....work again.... むっパンチ!