Well, actually I'm not getting married anytime soon....hhahaha

I was looking for some touristic packages to go to spend a few days in the Patagonia Argentina...!! キラッ

I believe I will have a few days off around May, and I would like to go to the south and enjoy the snowy weather, climb a (small) mountain and drink hot chocolate while hugging my baby next to the lake....!!Aww so romantic!!

Well, I found a few packages, but they involve RIDING A PLANE... and well.... It would be my first time travelling by plane, and I'm a little scared...!!怒り

Anyway, the landscape is gorgeous, the place where we are going to stay is so MAGICAL, almost like a fairy tale castle...!!

So, wait until May!~~~ わん

And then Next Stop (If I can handle my fear to plane....) Asia!!! Probably around August....!!チョコ

But we still need to save some money, and look for a cat-baby-sitter....うさぎ

I'm also concerned about my kitties... what if they die when I'm not around??? (again) that would be devastating!!!!


During the weeked (and still today) I was quite ill.....

Now I'm getting better...キラキラ

So, I had some time for myself and I decided to re decorate my cell phone:


ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

The picture is a little blurry hehehehe.... I took it with my netbook.....

Have a nice day!~~ イチゴケーキ

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ