ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Lately it has been so hot~~

Everyday when I go to work I have to drink a lot of water....

But someday, I'm afraid I'll faint...

Thank God, we have an Air Conditioner at the office, so whenever I come in it looks like if I was in Alaska...so cool!~~

Tomorrow, after work I might go and take a swim at the pool....

Yes, we do have a big pool at work.....Maybe I should go in the morning before starting my shift.... Or maybe in the afternoon, after I finish my shift...

I believe that would be more refreshing...!


I had a great Xmas party...

It was really hot, and I spent it with my boyfriend's parents

.I drank a lot, and then I fell asleep from 11Pm until midnight... I almost miss the fireworks.... Although I was not that into that either...

I was really worried about my kitties back home....

When we finally caught a taxi, at 2.30 AM, we came back home...

My kitties were just fine...hehe

My mother-in-law gave me new sheets.... she does that every year....

I like them tough, I'm not complaining....


We bought a new Air Conditioner, they'll bring it home tomorrow...

However we still need to wait until they install it or something....

I bet by the time we can get it ready to work, there would be a blackout...I'm almost sure.....!


I just finished watching Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton.

I always refuse to see popular movies in the cinemas because I hate popular things...

I always watch popular movies from home, on DVD.

Well except for a few, like Avatar and some other 3 or 4....

Well my boyfriend bought it a few days ago, and we just finally watched today... I loved it!~~

I'm still in love with Johnny Depp's character.......RRAAAWWRRR......



Finally, I'm still picking my outfit for New Year's Eve.... !~~~

Don't know what to wear....!

Oh and also I'm practicing a lot....I will be shooting a nice video in a few weeks with Hyper Starlight, and after that we need to get ready for a series of events....

Ah!~~~So tired!~~

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ