On April 15th and 16th I was asked to perform in front of the restaurant's customers along with some of my friends...~~

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

This is a new restaurante with open karaoke, and they called us to perform and encourage the customers to sing~~~ Showing how easy it is to use the karaoke machine, although it is entirely in korean にひひ

We had a great meal~~~ And many of my friends were there to cheer me up...~~ I must confess I was a bit nervous when I got there... there was this girl with an amazing voice...~~ Her name is Grisel and she has a korean boyfriend living in USA...He sent her flowers~~~ How lucky!! In the next picture she is in the right, black hair girl~~~

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Next a few pictures of my friends, who besides eating, they were very concentrated in filming and well....eating...hehehe Oh~~ And they also cheered me a lot...! I really appreciated that...~

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Now~~ Tadaaaドンッ a few shots of us singing and having fun~~~

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The food was awesome and they treated us great~~ They even gave us a discount...~~ We were so happy....~~ Now I usually go there to eat, or to have a coffee~~ Ieven went there to help them to promote the place, and they dressed me in a Hanbok, typicall korean clothing~~~ It was too big for me though... I look pregnant...

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Finally a video of me singing...~~ I hope you like it~~