I am one of those people who NEVER get to win anything in their lives....ガーン

That is why I was so surprised when AllKpop anounced the winners for their Girl's Day Hug Me Once Contest.....!!!

You had to watch the Girl's Day Video Hug Me Once (it is sort of a game/date game)and then you had to come up with an original idea to create a fun parody/version of the videos...~~ひらめき電球

I don't know how but I thought of the contest picture and immediately came up with an idea.... Watch the picture carefully... Let's see if we are on the same page and we both came up with the same idea....

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

See that fish there?? When I saw it there, I immediately thought about Mario Bros.the classic game version... I remember playing this game when I was a kid, and I have played this iconic game through my teenage years and even in the present... It's so addictive and fun...!

Well, so I had to had a Mario based video.... One of my friends, Sephi, who plays guitar in a band called Level Up, has a Mario cosplay. He was happy to help me..!にひひ
Then my friend "Facha" helped me by letting me shoot the video at his place, andFlor and Bastet helped me to shoot the video... Finally we spent the whole nightediting our videos...
We were basically learning how to edit videos on the march, so please don't be so harsh....

And TADAAAAAA here's the video!!

So I won a Girl's Day autographed CD and a poster...! Both of them should be in the mail by now...!~~

I'm so happy~~~

If you wanna check the other winning videos, please go here:

You will find Bastet's video here too. She was a winner too...~ Too bad Flor didn't win... her video was really original. It was based on Harry Potter...!

Watch Bastet's Video:

Watch Flor's Video:

Watch the original Girl's Day Hug Me Once video and play the interactive game~