ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ
The SBS Global Audition took place in Buenos Aires about a month ago.


You had to previously apply online, and then you had to audition in front of the jugdes.

If they though you had the enough potential you would win a trip to Korea to continue in the audition process..~~

I went there with Bastet and Flor (we found out just a few days ahead), and there we met with Vicky and Yoru, among others~~


ちょこ姫~さん  のブログちょこ姫~さん  のブログちょこ姫~さん  のブログちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Everything was set up at the Pablo Picasso theater in downtown..~~ It was so crowded!


Thank God we were there early, or we would had been waiting for our turn the whole day!

We were given the following order: First, Bastet, second Me and third Flor...
We were so nervous!~~

We ran into Ariel Porchera (a local kpop style performer who happens to have a lot fo fans) and Viqo, the winner of the KPOP contest 2010!

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

The place was decorated with huge pictures of Boa (representing SMTown), Yang Hyun Suk (YG Family) and JYP (JYP)!

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ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Hehehe when I took the JYP picture this hottie came accross and ended up in the picture hehhee...べーっだ!

We were asked to say some words before auditioning; so here's Flor shooting her lines:

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Flor and I made it to the second round, along with Vicky and Ariel Porchera~~ (and others, specially korean candidates). A few days later they called us to let us know they had decided they would choose Ariel..!!


Go Ariel!!クラッカー

He is going to represent Argentina in the SBS Kpop Global Audition in Korea!~ Let's cheer up for him!

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ

Finally, we ended up in Burger King having some burgers!~~ It was a very nice day! Thank you Flor, Bastet and Dinictis for being there the whole day!ニコニコ

Finally, a present my new friend TaeYeon got me from Korea!!

ちょこ姫~さん  のブログ