Disappointing | *☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*


Aaah! It seems that I've developed some sort of allergic reaction that's causing pain to the area around my lips. しょぼん

I knew something was wrong this morning when it hurt to move my mouth at all. And it's starting to look red too. ダウン

Now I have to wear a bag on my face when I go out in public. 叫び


Okay I'm overreacting. It's not that bad, but it still sucks.

Enough with the whining though.

Yesterday someone let me know that Leda from Deluhi's twitter might be a fake.

Thanks for telling me! I should've known to be more suspicious.

I think I believe it now even though I can't confirm it.

Does anybody know if this is really Leda? http://twitter.com/LedaDeluhi

He's never talked about having one if I remember correctly. *sigh*

Isn't it sad when people impersonate others though?

It's not that hard to believe anyway. Someone was pretending to be Aoi on Twitter previously and there were some people who actually thought it was him. Now the real Aoi does have a twitter so they know it was a lie.

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

But on the bright side, I'm really looking forward to Senkou, Alice Nine's new single!

I wish they'd given a preview of it though, but I guess that just makes it more exciting. にひひ

And the GazettE is going to Tokyo Dome!!! クラッカーアップキラキラ

And thanks to Hakitarun for translating this blog. I love that Ruki's vocal coach posted that picture of him: http://hakitarun.livejournal.com/70478.html#cutid1

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone! 虹

P.S. It's still hot. Of course. It's actually so bad that sometimes that the heat gets through the ground and makes the tap water warm. No nice cold water like before. ショック!

Stop whining Crystal.