Something unexpected | *☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

Something unexpected

Wow. I haven't blogged about anything in a week. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

Well today I got an unexpected present, at least that's how I look at it.

Apparently not only do my mom's coworkers/friends give food to eachother, but TVs too! O_O

It turns out one of my mom's friends from the company is going back to Japan so they gave away some of their flatscreens because they didn't want to bring them back. ショック!

So I went from this...

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

*☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

to that.

It's nicer than it looks in the picture. :P

It's actually similar to the one my parents have. Lol.

I never begged for it though. In fact I offered it to my brother, but he refused. I'm suspicious... !?

I still have to get used to using the remotes and stuff. ショック!

But now I can watch DVDs in my room. It came with a DVD/VCR player so that's good.

I had a one before, but I let my mom have it because I hardly used it back then.

I rent from Netflix now so I'm desperate to have one. xD

Now my poor former t.v. has nowhere to go...

AAAhhh! And school starts soon. しょぼん

I should enjoy the rest of my time while I have it.

August is beginning! 太陽