It's not 1982 | *☆* Butterfly Fly Away *☆*

It's not 1982

Last night something really weird happened with my dad.

My mom came into my room and she kept motioning for me to follow her so I did.

She was waving her hands around so I knew it was important. Lol.

Well my dad was laying down and it looked like he was about to go to sleep.

That's when the weirdness began...

He was talking complete nonsense! ショック!

He talked about how he was in the U.S. Cavalry. Talking about how the horses were getting away and that they needed to protect the fort and the medicine. O_o (I know. It sounds hilarious but it wasn't normal at all.)

My brother was actually the first one to hear him. He was leaving my parents' room after using the computer and my dad asked him if he was going to help him build the house. My brother was like "huh?".

And then he asked where the roof was. !?!?!?

I was really worried because I thought he lost his memory or something. ダウン

I even decided to interrogate him and asked him what year it was.

I pretty much knew that from the way he was talking he wouldn't say 2010.

And sure enough his answer was...1982. 汗

It didn't help that my brother was laughing the entire time. But then again maybe it wasn't so serious after all.

He could've just been tired. ぐぅぐぅ Really, really, really tired. xD

I'm not so worried now because he woke up again at around midnight and sounded normal.

He had little memory of what happened. In fact, the only thing he remembers was that we were being crazy!

I should've recorded it on camera, but it was out of batteries.

I wonder if my dad might've been stressed out about some things too.

Yesterday I worte a letter to my older brother, who's currently in military training.

Perhaps my dad's worried about him?

Well at least he's back to normal now.

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And today is my younger brother's birthday!

He's 15 now.

So Happy Birthday Sean! クラッカー

And have a good day (or night) everyone!
