It's halloween and the gig at gashaus... Met up with Misaki first to go jamming then met up with Rei at TCC.. I got a shock of my life! LOL co si hate freddy.. and the other scary characters~ Well, but after a a while i got used to it and even wanted to scare the freddy instead but rei and the rest diden want to scare them with me hahahhaa! OK i know i'm childish~(≧▽≦)

Then~ Waited for sukebe to come.. She's such a crazy girl, but so fun to be with hahahhaa! And she's soo fair~! I'm so jealous sukebe!! I shall go for bleaching LOL!!! Met her other friend too and shucks i forgot to ask for her name.. LOL! We were like so bored there cos we diden want to go to the front the move our heads around else our hair would be untidy WKAKAKAKA! We got a drink sat there and waited for seraph to start.. Ah, i'm so tired now~ not many pictures taken cos the lighting was lousy in there and i look horrendus~ so yeah only a few.. LOL

Me and sukebe

and me~

Oyasumi minna~
