こんにちは みんな!!ニコニコ
Haven't been updated for such a long time now.
But here I am! チョキ

Just a few weeks back, I met up with my squeaky little bestie, Chermaine!о(ж>▽<)y ☆
We met up at Bugis junction, had lunch and shopped around.
We even managed to recollect some memories when we were in secondary school, taking purikuras and stuff.
We've all grown up quite a bit i must admit.
After that, squeaky came to my house and had some fun with her Macbook's photobooth, and I had some fun curling her super long hair. HAHHA!
So here are some photos and the puris we took!

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 Taken in squeaky's car just downstairs of my house.グッド!
美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 Our poloroid film!! Cute eh~べーっだ!

And our neoprintsダウン

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記

  美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記

And here are some other poloroids i took with... ダウン
美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 Anais, Gomez and me!(≧▽≦)叫び

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記 Surin, Me and Sally (My missy)得意げ

Just the other day I was so bored at home, I did some makeup and took some photos. And ended up with only one that I like. むっ

美月王子~ 秀  ☆-(^з^)-☆ 日記

Now then~ Till next time people!!! ニコニコ