Just last Sunday, Hun and I went to watch this movie, "Dance! Subaru".(≡^∇^≡)

It's about this girl named Subaru who went through all odds to have her dream of becoming a ballerina come true.

黒木メイサ danced really really well. At first i thought she was just a normal pop singer, Never did i know she could dance that well.グッド!

Kind of lazy to type the whole storyline out, but i find it's a very good movie to watch.にひひ

Makes me really think why in the world would I give up dancing ballet last time.

I told myself all this while it was because of my knee injury I got while I was dancing last time.

But the truth is, I didn't want to admit to the actual reason for giving up cos I find the reason so ridiculous.

Such a nostalogic feeling.

Anyway, it was Japanese test again today, passed my oral but went totally blank for written, hopefully i can just pass~

Well then, will update soon~
