There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with me..

My mood swings have been really bad.. My imagination is getting so damn fucking good i can't even control it myself..

When my monthly auntie comes knocking, it gets like 10000000000000 x worst..

I didn't used to be like this.. I don't wanna think what's the cause of all these.. I just wished God didn't give me a brain to imagine, didn't give me emotions to feel..
I feel so disgusted with myself that I'm feeling this way sometimes, so disgusted i wanna spit at myself.

I seldom talk about emo stuffs here but i got to learn to let it go.. I can't talk to anyone about it cos I dunno how to put my problems into words verbally. Plus I don't wanna bore people with my problems or make them think I'm troublesome. I don't like it and am very affected if a person thinks I'm troublesome. Even to my mom whom I'm so close to doesn't know anything about my mood swings or why I'm unhappy. I don't want any of my close friends or loved ones get worried esp my mom. I admit I am a cry baby despite my appearance, That is also why i can't talk to people about anything cos I'll cry at the slightest thing.

I might go crazy if i keep it to myself. I just needed somewhere..some place to semi talk about my problems and that would be here since no one really sees my blog cos i seldom update.

Gonna try to turn in, hopefully everything will be forgotten after a sleep.