Hi.. ^_^

I'm back again..
The time now is 2:37 pm here in the Philippines
and i just arrive home from school.
Today is my first day of FINAL EXAM. べーっだ!
And damn it! I forgot to bring my travel updates
that i will pass today. しょぼん
so i will pass it on Thursday
because tomorrow (Wednesday) i don't have exam.

So yeah today our exam is Computer パソコン
and one major subject which is Personality Development.. what is "Personality Development?" はてなマーク
as a tourism student we were expected to be
in proper grooming and behavior.ワンピース ドキドキ
So in our university were practicing it.
You can identify among the students there are Tourism Students or "BTM".
"Tourism student always stand out in the crowd." that's what they want.カバンリボン

so going back to my exam Computer is easy for me but PerDev its a bit hard
because the type of exam was explain, give and define. あせる しょぼん
No choices, no enumeration.
It's just plain explanation about each number.
OOH!! headache..ビックリマーク
So yeah, i finish it in 40 or 45 minutes. 砂時計

After that we eat lunch at Pizza Hut. ナイフとフォーク
I ordered one roast chicken (just a part of chicken), a cream chicken soup and an iced tea. カクテルグラス
My friend treat us one pizza.
I'm so full that i can't eat the pizza anymore.
we eat triple cheese pizza. チーズ
Then after we eat we separate ways.
Hanna and I took the bus together going home.
Kc and Dene were together, Kc is going back to school because she still have exams while Dene is going home.
Then Jelly alone took the bus going back to Tagaytay.

Tomorrow we don't have exam then Thursday only one exam. わんわん
Last is Friday and after that IT'S VACATION TIME! 目

I will miss BTM15... むっ
so sad we will part ways next school year..
Guys good luck on your new classmates and good luck to me also..
I really had fun during our Trip in Bicol Region.. かお
I LOVE YOU GUYS!! ドキドキドキドキドキドキ