アタクシ、頑張る時はガーーー! と頑張るタイプなんですけど、元来はユルい性格なんですの。
I work hard when one come to it, but I don't stick at nothing originally.

ガーーー! と頑張る →休眠 →またガーーー! と頑張る →思いっきり休養……
So I do work hard, then I relax, work hard again, after that get a rest......

This is my pattern of activity。

When I and Morikobi-chan had really just met each other, I asked her,

"Do you have any hobbies?"

「趣味? ……ん~~~、ない!」
"Hobby? ......Ah, nope!"

She looked she really doesn't have any hobbies and replied. If I asked the same question to other girls, they would say Yes or imply something.