Last year, we had a nice daydreaming-time in a field of sunflowers.

I had desire to see the field of sunflowers of Hokuryu-cho over the past few years.
And, I asked Morikobi-chan to go there, sure enough, she said " I follow you."
Then I finally could go there with her.

I always do research the transit time table I use and what I can eat on the spot beforehand when I go to somewhere.

The schedule for the day is;

6:50 札幌駅集合
6:50 At Sapporo Station

Get a packed lunch of Natsumatsuri at the ekiben shops, and buy a cup of Coffee of the Day/Grande at the Starbucks Coffee.
7:20 高速るもい号乗車、熱々のコーヒーを楽しみつつバス旅
7:20 Board Expressway Bus Rumoi. Enjoy fresh hot coffee and bus trip

9:18 北竜町のひまわり畑到着
9:18 Arrive at the field of sunflowers of Hokuryu-cho

Buy sunflower-flavored soft-serve ice cream, walk around the field of sunflowers, and eat the lunch at anywhere we can sit down. Then I'll sketch sunflowers, go to Onsen and have a daydreaming-time in a field of sunflowers with Morikobi-chan.

15:42 バスで帰る
15:42 Go back home by bus

Something like that.