Morikobi-chan observed me when I was excited about the field of sunflowers. And it seemed she amused herself.

アタクシが、「森コビちゃん、ご覧になって! あのひまわり、なんて美人なのかしら!」と言いながらスケッチするための姿の良いひまわりを探していると、森コビちゃんは笑いながらついてきて、「美人さんは見つかった?」と仰るのですわ。
I said to her " Look! Morikobi-chan! How beautiful she is!" ---"She" was a sunflower. I was looking for a good-looking sunflower as a motif of sketch. Then she smiled and followed me, and said " Could you find a beauty?"

I focused on sketching and kept going straight in the field of sunflowers. She left me alone moderately.

I'm in another world whenever I sketch something.

If I took other normal girls there, they would be mad at me and say "Don't leave me alone!!".