英語で話しましょう - Speaking Exercise (15) ‐ 回答例 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語



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Click here to try type 5 question 3.

TOEFL スピーキングテストの問題、タイプ 5 の例題 3 の問題を読むには、上のリンクをクリックして下さい。

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A Sample Answer:


The man’s problem is that he didn’t make grades as good as he thought he would. In high school, he made perfect grades. Now he studied really hard, but still didn’t make good enough grades. The woman suggests that he take easier classes. I think it would be best to take easier classes. Maybe the man is still in the transition phase from high school to college. Of course college is harder, that is why less people go to college. The man expects too much from himself. I think it would be best for him to start out his college career with simpler classes and work his way up to harder classes. If he takes fewer classes, like he says, he would be in college for
longer, and he would also have to pay for some of his schooling. Fewer classes would give him more time to concentrate on the harder classes that he would like to take, but if he takes easier classes, he could concentrate the same amount and get better grades all while graduating in four years.



無理に難しいクラスを受講して、成績を落とし、助成金も無くしてまで、4年で卒業する選択肢、難しい授業を数少なく履修して、在学期間が長くなると、学費の一部を自腹で払うことになる選択肢、易しい講義を受講して良い成績で、助成金ももらいながら、4年で卒業する選択肢を比較し、最後の選択肢がいいと言う、健全で、現実的な意見です。‐ ペア

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Info: TOEFL, TOEIC Speaking 攻略法 ⇒にほんブログ村
Info: 他にも、TOEFL, TOEIC Speaking 学習法 ⇒人気ブログランキング


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