英語で話しましょう - My Report Card 2 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


This is the continuation of my report card from last year's resolutions.


The resolutions were:


1. To establish a non-profit group to promote awareness of the necessity of being able to use English.


2. To establish a scholarship fund based on the above group and hold a competition to award a week of studying tour in the US.


3. To establish a Skype lessons schedule to regulate the hours of listening and speaking instructions to raise funds for the sholarship.


4. To encourage my readers to be able to communicate at least the basic ideas in English.


5. To add another lanugage or two for comparative lanugages in studying English.


6. Not to have myself go to Japan to slap someone upside the head due to his/her unsuccessful English exams.



3. By establishing the Skype instruction schedule, we received over 100 students and gave more than 800 lessons during the year, however we made these lessons free of charge because we had enough fund raised for the scholarship. I also participated in giving lessons at the beginning, but dropped out later simply due to the lack of time. The rest of the lessons were carried out by my associates and the volunteers that I called for at the beginning of the year.


4. My associates and I have encouraged the active readers and participants of this blog to communicate in English throughout the year. Some became better communicators and some are still working on it. The common factors for students who have become better at English were 1) they practice everyday even the duration was not long, 2) they are not easily discouraged by mistakes they made, which were pointed out, 3) they think on their own based on the lessons learned, and above all, 4) they like and enjoy English.

協力者達と私は、意欲的にこのブログを読んで下さる読者と参加者には、年間を通じ英語でコミュニケーションを取ってくれるように励ましてきました。うまくなった方もいますし、そうなる過程に居らっしゃる方もいます。英語がうまくなった生徒に共通する点としては、1)時間をかけなくても、毎日練習する、2)間違えたことや、正されたことがあっても簡単には意気消沈しない、3)習ったことをもとに自分で考える、そして何よりも 4)英語がすきであるという点でした。

5. I introduced some words, expressions, and sentences in Spanish, Latin, or French simply for you to become more interested in languages themselves. With some examples I wanted students to find similarities and differences between languages, not inasmuch as learning to use those non-English sentences. I myself am a believer of the effect of studying multiple languages that are similar at the same time for faster learning of a target language.


6. Thank God, more than a few students reported to me that they passed STEP 1st and 2nd grades, attained TOEIC 900s, and TOEFL iBT 100 and above, which are high enough scores English-wise to be admitted to most of the colleges and universities in the US; therefore, I did not need to go to Japan to wack their heads.

お陰様で、かなりの数の学習者が、英検1級2級に合格しましたとか、TOEIC900点台、或いはTOEFL iBT 100以上取れましたとの報告をしてくれました。TOEFL iBT 100以上と言えば、英語だけに限れば、ほとんどのアメリカの大学学部に入学許可が降りる高得点です。ですから、彼らの頭をぶっ叩きに日本に行く必要はありませんでした。

Therefore, I would evaluate my own execution using the scale from 1 to 5, for 5 being the best, as follows:


1. 3

2. 4

3. 5

4. 4

5. 5

6. 5

Total: 26; Average: 4.3 It is not bad, no?

合計 26点 平均 4.3  悪くない、よね?

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