(originally posted on 2017-04-05 | 11:30:11)


I’ve got over two million of registers on my blog. 


I am surprised myself. 

Thank you sooooooo much for all of you who always read, react to my blog, leave me comments, and reblog it.  


I read my first blog post to remember how I started this blog. 


I think I have changed a bit. 


I started writing this blog for myself at the beginning. 

But now I’ve also developed some other feelings. 


They are…


If there’s a still negative image like “stage 4 cancer = dying”,

I want to enhance the different one with more hope too. 



I am sometimes weak but that’s not all about me. 

I want to keep sharing my daily life.




Then after a few years, 


I want to impress people and make them say, 


“What?  Is she still alive?