Did you know that the majority of the higher selves
connected with this earth plane maintain three human
incarnations at the same time? That means it is likely
your own higher self has two other human incarnations
walking around somewhere on this planet.

We are all here as human beings to gain experience—for
our human selves, for our higher selves, for our soul
families, and for the Creator. Having three
incarnations at once allows our higher selves to gather
much more experience concurrently than incarnating only
one life at a time. Plus, a trinity is one of the most
stable and powerful forms in the universe.As each one of our human aspects completes its human journey, it returns to the Creator's Light and all of its life experience becomes part of the higher self's pattern of energy. And since the higher self is part of a soul family, the wisdom and experience of that particular human lifetime becomes part of the collective wisdom and experience of the soul family.Once one of our human aspects has returned to our higher self's light, we soon embark on a new human journey by sending a particle of our light into a new human being. And the cycle begins again.