JKS The Great Legacy & Daega Elementary School | 【チャン・グンソク★zikzin!!】cri神降臨中ブログ 





International Film Festival & Awards・Macao
The Great Legacy & Daega Elementary School
[Director]Jang Keun-Suk
[SHOWTIMES]2016.12.09ー15:00 Macau Tower





International Film Festival & Awards • Macao


張根碩 - 韓國著名藝人,5歲時以童星身份出道,曾出演多部大受歡迎的電視劇,包括《男生女生向前走》、《黃真伊》、《快刀洪吉童》、《原來是美男》和《瑪麗外宿中》等,而受到各地粉絲的關注,他亦曾在日本發行唱片及專輯,被譽為「亞洲王子」。
Jang Keun Suk - Well known Korean actor. At five years old, he made his debut as a childrenswear model. He made a name for himself after appearing in several dramas: “Nonstop,” “Hwang Jin Yi, “Hong Gil Dong,” “He’s Beautiful,” and Mary Stayed Out All Night.” These dramas were huge hits. Thus he received a lot of attention from overseas fans as well as Korean fans. He has also released records and albums in Japan as a singer and now he is known as the “Prince of Asia.”


International Film Festival & Awards • Macao

澳門國際影展暨頒奬典禮@IFFAM2016FB 20161208-15:18

首屆影展邀請到韓國著名藝人張根碩及新生代台英混血男演員鳳小岳擔任明星大使。#張根碩 先生將會岀席12月8日假澳門文化中心之影展開幕典禮,為影展揭起序幕;#鳳小岳 先生將會岀席12月13日於相同地方舉行之閉幕及頒獎典禮,為影展劃上完美句號,粉絲們注意喇!
【IFFAM 2016 #TalentAmbassador】
The #1stIFFAM invited the well-known Korean actor Mr Jang Keun Suk and Taiwanese-British actor Mr Rhydian Vaughan to be our Talent Ambassador. Jang Keun Suk will attend the Opening Ceremony of IFFAM on 8th December at Macao Cultural Center. Mr Rhydian Vaughan will attend the Closing & Award Ceremony on 13th December at the same place.
【影展日期 IFFAM Period】:2016/12/8 - 13
【影展詳情 Official Website】:www.iffamacao.com
【立即訂票 Order Now】:goo.gl/HKG7xm
#澳門旅遊局 #澳門影視製作文化協會 #聯合主辦 #IFFAM