I cannot explain really that I feel, it's just a deep feeling inside me which telling me all the time I have to go back to Japan to help people there...

Almost 1 year I cannot sleep really well because I'm thinking about these faces I saw on pictures and videos. Because I heard the voice of my niece in Tokyo explaining how it was hard for her during hearthquake, because she said she didn't cry for her younger brother, because she was strong for him...

And me, I'm here, in France, far away, just watching on the web what happens in Japan. It became so hard for me recently and I want to find a way to come back, to help... I need it. Here, I'm dying, little by little, because I cannot do anything... Who can understand this ??? I wanna take pictures, I wanna talk with people to understand their stories, I wanna write a book and publish it to help them more. Maybe I'm stupid...^^ Maybe I'm just a poor woman with many dreams, but one of this dream it's to believe Japan could be more strong !!

How to become strong myself to help my heart's country ? I feel so much alone...

My heart and my soul are dying little by little here... I wanna go back home !! I pray every day Kami Sama to help me to come back in Japan, but...nothing happens...