面倒で | Shuki Hito のブログ


今日はI was very late for work 。゚(T^T)゚。
just because of a small mistake
my alarm didn't rang ?。(;°皿°)

opened the shop at 11am !![みんな:01]

And I went to my friend birthday party
but ran off very quickly.
felt lonely there ?


At first I thought it would be fine,
he seems bit angry about it

make me bad汗
but at least I make it there and pass present?

Recently, I can't update my blog
because of the new updates of ameba app.

i miss Ameba so much ラブラブ

明日will blog again
too late for nowぐぅぐぅ

Wish me luck for 明日~

oyasumi Nasai[みんな:02]

Gloomy Mood today !(´Д`;)
